cmd /c powershell.exe -Command "&{$Me = $Env:COMPUTERNAME; Invoke-command -Computername OURSERVER -ArgumentList $Me -scriptblock {param($Me)Import-Module ConfigurationManager; cd IP1:; $Computer = Get-CMDevice -Name $Me; if ($Computer){Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -Collection...
Once the target collection is completed, create a new malicious application withNew-SccmApplication. You need to specify an -ApplicationName, and then can choose to deploy a -UNCProgram (for a hosted binary payload), -PowerShellScript (for the text of a PowerShell script to deploy), -Power...
foreach($devicein$devices){ Add-CMDeviceToDeviceCollection-DeviceID$device.ResourceId-Collection$deviceCollection } 1.1.8代码讲解 导入SCCM模块:首先,脚本导入了SCCM的PowerShell管理模块。 定义设备集名称:设置一个变量$deviceCollectionName来存储即将创建的设备集的名称。 选择目标设备:使用Get-CMDevice命令获取所...
Add a Device to a Collection during a Task Sequence ( After you add that step your task sequence, You can add a WMI query for define HP EliteBooks on options tab. I think that will solve your problem. HiToptechnicalSolutions, Your query for HP EliteBook 830 G8 NoteBook ...
cmdlet: Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionId $CollectionID -ResourceId $rid When I run above cmdlet from ServiceNow, it gives error: "The specified resource Id '12345678' is of the wrong type." But when I run the same…
SCCM Powershell Cmdlet Examples So here’s a couple of examples to get you started : Get information about a specific device Get-CMDevice– Get a Configuration Manager device. Instead of this in the console : Run this : Get-CMDevice -Name "CM01" ...
For Windows 10, we have 12 different collections to create. This is perfect for PowerShell. I’ve modified my popular Set of Operational Collection script to create only Windows 10 collections. The script use the New-CMDeviceCollection and Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule command. You ...
Set-CMDeviceCollection-InputObject$collection-AddPowerManagementProfile$powerProfile 8.3安全策略实施 安全策略的实施是客户端配置管理的核心。通过SCCM,可以统一部署防火墙规则、病毒防护软件设置等。例如,部署防火墙规则: #示例:使用PowerShell创建和部署防火墙规则 #创建防火墙规则,允许特定端口的通信 $firewallRule=New-...
7.2.1示例:使用PowerShell执行操作系统部署 #获取操作系统部署任务序列 $TaskSequence=Get-CMTaskSequence-NameOSDeploymentTS #获取目标设备集合 $DeviceCollection=Get-CMDeviceCollection-NameTargetPCCollection #创建任务序列分配 New-CMTaskSequenceDeployment-TaskSequence$TaskSequence-DeviceCollection$DeviceCollection ...
Add Custom Columns - Device Collection Adding ip printer through SCCM Adding Multiple Computers to a Single Collection (with caveats) Adding multiple workstations to a collection Adding the AD user department attribute to a report in SCCM Adjusting "Drive Space Reserve" on Distribution Point - SC...