此时的目录结构如下 3. 创建SCCM Package 设置好相关属性和文件路径 执行命令设置如下 "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -noninteractive -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle hidden -command ".\update-wifi.ps1" 4. 推送安装并测试安装结果 安装完成后可以到设备管理器看...
I would like to ask for a command that I can be use to deploy a powershell script that will install SNMP features and community string. I already have a powershell script that can be perfectly run manually. * "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -executionpolicy by...
瀏覽到包含script的Package 輸入script名稱 將execution policy 設置為Bypass 範例 Configuration Manager Current Branch 版本 1902 的改進,您現在可以在運行 PowerShell Script 步驟中直接輸入 PowerShell 代碼。 如果選擇這條路由,只需輸入上面的代碼,執行策略選擇Bypass即可 系統完成 OSD 後,您可以運行以下 PowerShell ...
I can go to ccmcache on the local server and run the script from there without any errors. I have confirmed that the servers have Powershell 4.0 as well. SCCM Command Line used: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Install.ps1 I have also tried calling a batch file by using ...
摘要:1.分发批处理脚本 命令行:script.bat2.分发PowerShell脚本 命令行:PowerShell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -file .\script.ps1无需其他特殊设置SCCM2007分发PS脚本:http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=2098powershell -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy -scope Currentuser -executionPolicy Unrestricted}" 阅读全...
I'm trying to run a Powershell Script on a number of machines in my environment and am using SCCM to deploy it. We've done this for install countless times, but here is the excep...
(for the text of a PowerShell script to deploy), -PowerShellB64 (for an ASCII base64-encoded PowerShell blob), or -PowerShellUnicodeB64 (for an UNICODE base64-encoded PowerShell blob). The targeted payload will be created and pushed to a custom WMI class on the SCCM server using Push...
reportingsql-querysccmpowershell-scriptsccm-documentation UpdatedJan 31, 2023 PowerShell tugich/SetupPackagerIntune Star52 Code Issues Pull requests Setup Packager helps you to easily package your software installation for Intune or other device management solutions. With just a few clicks you can cre...
例如,通过PowerShell脚本,我们可以在多个测试设备上同时运行部署包,并记录测试结果。 6.2.1示例:自动化测试脚本 #定义测试设备列表 $TestDevices=@(TESTPC01,TESTPC02,TESTPC03) #定义测试任务序列 $TaskSequence=Get-CMTaskSequence-NameYourTaskSequenceName #定义测试脚本 $TestScript=@ param($DeviceName,$Task...
command and after a few tries I came up with this - Uninstall-Package -Name "Adobe Acrobat XI Pro" -Force and tested it on a Target PC. The script ran and completed the uninstall. In this case, I was not worried about a specific build of the software, I just wa...