To upgrade to win11 (to keep the program and user profile), the only way is to run the upgrade in the full OS (by double-clicking setup.exe). When it launches, it will check the requirement for upgrade, such as TPM, etc. In such condition, no way to bypass it (even th...
We will now import the complete Windows 11 media in Operating System Upgrade Packages. This package will be used to upgrade an existing Windows 10 device to Windows 11 using an Upgrade Task Sequence. Open the SCCM Console Go to Software Library / Operating Systems / Operating System Upgrade Pac...
So, the updates keep expiring when new ones come out every month, but you do not need to re-deploy it every month, you just need to deploy the cumulative update monthly. Deploying these to systems on Windows 10 upgrades them to 11, but they don't show up at all on systems a...
I’ll always be here to ensure everything is covered correctly. Have a good one! Cheer Reply GrayHunterStenn Level 2 March 28, 2023 02:22 PM @MadelynC, I was referring to the option in the command that @heorun posted. I replied in the wrong place. Cheer Reply Kurt_M...