I have two clients that are showing Client Check Result: Failed and Remediation: Failed. Both show client activity as active. I've uninstalled these clients using ccmsetup /uninstall and then reinstalled multiple times (pushed through SCCM and also running ccmsetup from network location of SCCM s...
The "Failed" Client Check Result in the SCCM console can occur due to several reasons. Here are some potential causes and resolutions: Status Message Issues: If the client has not sent a status message recently, it may be reported as failed. This can happen if a legacy software distribution...
Check if client subnet / AD Site is added in SCCM boundary. Check if IP Subnet / AD Site is associated with any boundary group. Check if respective boundary group is associated with a Distribution Point. Related Posts: SCCM Application Deployment Failed with Error 0x87d01106 | ConfigMgr SCCM ...
Installation of the client is completed with error code 0 however the no site is assigned to the client with some of the errors and screenshot captured as below: Failed to send status 100. Error (87D00215) Failed to get site version from AD with error 0x87d00215 S...
SyncUpdate: 3af512dd-7add-4559-ad4f-0118b03b3e4a - Signature check on download binary has completed. SyncUpdate: 3af512dd-7add-4559-ad4f-0118b03b3e4a -Hash for downloaded content file does not match update 3af512dd-7add-4559-ad4f-0118b03...
Delete any stale records, reboot the CI, check you can UNC to \\hostname\Admin$ (C:\Windows) and push the client install. 0 0 Log in to Reply Bennon Maina 05.16.2019 AT 04:10 AM ---> NetUseAdd failed: 53: dwParamError = 0 53 - When pushing SCCM client In addition to ...
To monitor the SCCM client agent uninstall, go to C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs on the computer and open the ccmsetup.log file to monitor the client uninstallation. The line “CcmSetup is exiting with return code 0” in ccmsetup.log confirms that the SCCM client has been removed successfully....
Client Install SCCM SCCM Client Reply View Full Discussion (19 Replies)Show Parent Replies cerbast Copper Contributor to Garth-MVP I do not see the ConfigMgr applet in Control Panel.I haven't changed the boundaries as I thought this may be the wrong path, as it...
This article lists all the SCCM versions, build numbers, console version numbers, and SCCM site and client version numbers. The latest SCCM (aka ConfigMgr)
In the Install Configuration Manager tab, select your Client Package On the State Migration tab, select if you want to capture user settings and files. For our example, we’ll turn it off On the Include Updates tab, select the desired Software Update task All Software Updates will install...