SCCM Client install on a windows server 2008 R2 fails due to "IsWindows10OrAbove: Failed to get OS version with error 0x80041010" Please find the log below: Please guide further, Site version '5.00.8577.1000' is compatible. Client deployment will continue. ccmsetup 1/02/2019 1:27:15 PM ...
Most Configuration Manager administrators prefer to remove the SCCM client manually from the computers. If you need to remove the client from multiple computers, you can use a PowerShell script, which will be covered in this tutorial. Note: When you deploy or install the agent, the Software Ce...
Hi All, I am facing SCCM client installation issue on domain controller, it looks like in all DC i am getting the below error which is weird, other machines are fine to install the client Tried reinstallation, used CCMcleanup, restarted the…
CCMSetup.exe: Used to Install, uninstall and upgrade the SCCM 2007 client using client push installation or manual installation. It is low bandwidth aware and is the single way to launch client deployment. You also do not need to use CCMClean to uninstall the client as the uninstall switch c...
我使用的是Orchestrator runbook,其中有一个".net run script“甚至可以运行Powershell脚本,我必须编写一个Powershell脚本来查询SCCM2012中的软件(作为参数给出),并将其安装在虚拟机上(作为参数给出)。我已经在SCCM 2012的软件库中列出了作为应用程序的软件。 浏览0提问于2012-05-08得票数 0 ...
Create a script file called This script will be executed by an AT job. Because the script sources another script (the Linux SCCM client install script). 复制 #!/bin/sh # DO NOT ALLOW ANY TRAILING SPACES OR RETURN CARRAIGES BEYOND THE TAR FILE INSTALLPATH...
---> Deleting SMS Client Install Lock File '\\\admin$\SMSClientInstall.123'~ $$<SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER><07-22-2019 11:50:27.671-120><thread=14776 (0x39B8)> Execute query exec [sp_CP_SetLastErrorCode] 2097152064, 0~ $$<SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER><07-22-...
Firstly, Please make sure that this account has administrative access on the device that you're trying to install the client and you can able to access the ADMIN$ share using this account. Secondly, Based on your words with previous troubleshoot steps, I assume that you have created the new...
Set-DNSClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 4 -ServerAddress "," 改名加入域: Add-Computer -NewName "sql01" -DomainName -Credential n\cnadmin -Restart -Force 在DC上新建sql域管理员账号(不是必需,为方便管理): ...
ClientSecret=MySecretClientKey12345 Log=Verbose Proxy=MyProxyServer } #创建AzureAD端点 New-CMAzureADManagementPoint@parameters 此示例使用SCCM的PowerShell模块来创建一个AzureAD端点。New-CMAzureADManagementPoint命令需要一系列参数,如端点的名称、描述、客户端ID、客户端秘密、日志级别和代理设置。通过这种方式,SCC...