This article lists all the SCCM versions, build numbers, console version numbers, and SCCM site and client version numbers. The latest SCCM (aka ConfigMgr)
Also, just because its working fine now doesn't mean it was working fine or was reachable from the client at the time the client tried to connect. Jason ||@jasonsandys Tuesday, March 21, 2017 1:32 PM This is from one of the machines in question. Tuesday,...
E:\setup.exe /action=install /features=SQLEngine,Conn /SQLCOLLATION="SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" /skiprules=servercoreblockunsupportedfeaturescheck/iacceptsqlserverlicenseterms/UIMode=enableUIOnServerCore 2)静默安装: E:\setup.exe /QS /action=install /features=SQLEngine /PID=2C9JR-K3RNG-QD...
Client.msi_uninstall.log: Records the uninstallation of the SCCM client agent on a Windows computer. To monitor the SCCM client agent uninstall, go toC:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logson the computer and open theccmsetup.logfile to monitor the client uninstallation. The line “CcmSetup is exiting with ...
SyncUpdate: File 'D:\SMS\ISVTemp\xewiw2df.e2a\k2vdoaaus14.exe' appears to be signed, retrieved certificate, checking signature... SyncUpdate: 3af512dd-7add-4559-ad4f-0118b03b3e4a - Signature check on download binary has completed. ...
I have two clients that are showing Client Check Result: Failed and Remediation: Failed. Both show client activity as active. I've uninstalled these clients using ccmsetup /uninstall and then reinstalled multiple times (pushed through SCCM and also running ccmsetup from network location of SCCM ...
If you are looking for a SQL Report, then check this. Just change the '@CollectionID' with the one you want. SELECT distinct SYS.Netbios_Name0 as [Machine Name], SYS.User_Name...
SCCM Version You need at least SCCM 2107 in order to support it as a Windows 11 client. See the following support matrix if you’re running an outdated SCCM version and make sure to update your site. Windows ADK Before capturing and deploying a Windows 11 image, make sure that you’re ...
SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where LOWER(SMS_R_System.ClientVersion) < `"$($ClientVersion)`"" } } ) } ) #Check for the folder If (Get-Item ('DeviceCollection\_Global LINUX Clients')) {$true} else { mkdir ('DeviceCollection\_Global LINUX Clients') Start-Sl...
67Network name cannot be foundCheck if client has a DNS entry or invalid DNS 86Incorrect network configuration 112Not enough disk spaceFree some space on the computer 1003Cannot complete this function 1053The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion ...