B. Talk to a financial aid counselor. C. Go to the gym. D. Get insurance. 查看完整题目与答案 The old couple were not rich themselves, but they hated to turn away anyone who were ___ food and shelter. A. at the mercy of B. on the point of C. with the exception o...
某招待所报案失窃现款10万元。公安人员经过周密调查,得出结论是前台经理李某所为。所长说:“这是不可能的。”公安人员说:“当所有其他可能性都被排除了,剩下的可能性不管看起来是多么不可能,都一定是事实。” 以下哪项如果为真,最为有力地削弱公安人员的说法 ...