Customer and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation to the extent made by the ...
Although the full court reached the same final decision and rejected the appeal, it was divided into three groups, reasoning along three different lines. Moreover, the two concurring judgments strongly challenged the reasons of the majority. ...
II. Judgments Below II. Les juridictions infe´rieures A. British Columbia Supreme Court A. La Cour supreˆme de la Colombie-Britannique (1) Reopening the Crown's Case (1) Re´ouverture de la preuve du ministe`re public 16 Despite the objections of defence counsel, Low J. ruled ...
C. Language is so powerful that it exerts influence on our judgments. D. Language can bridge neurobiological study and behavioral research. 查看完整题目与答案 治疗便秘,应首选的腧穴是 A. 支沟 B. 太冲 C. 内关 D. 梁丘 查看完整题目与答案 A.井穴B.荥穴C.输穴D.合穴 按五行规律...
784(5). The applicant, therefore, cannot appeal as of right with respect to any of the judgments which dismissed his appeals in the sec- ond, third and fourth applications. As we have no jurisdiction to hear appeals as of right, the applica- tion to extend the time to appeal suffers ...
1048, the judgments of this Court have shown the clearest possible determination to avoid the problems connected with this type of distinction. However, Laskin J.A.'s approach to the nature of the collateral attack has an even more funda- mental flaw. The distinction he proposes implies an ...
III. Judgments at Issue A. Revenue Canada's Refusal Decision, October 14, 1994 15 In a letter dated October 14, 1994, Revenue Canada denied the Society's application for regis- tration as a charitable organization under ss. 149.1(1) and 248(1) of the ITA. Revenue Canada emphasized that...
Janke's evidence that the unconscious nature of his conduct excluded an "appreciation" of the consequences. II. Judgments A. The Supreme Court of British Columbia (1) The Evidential Ruling in the Appellant's Favour 15 Brenner J. reasoned that the "defence" of autom- atism is only available...
judgments now appealed from Dherty for the appellant The question is whether art 1583 of the Civil Code applies At this time when the present appellant ac quired these shares were they litigious rights Refers to report of the case in 272 and Troplong Vente Marcar dØ IDroit Civil G1urran...
Judgments Below Les de´cisions des tribunaux d'instance infe´rieure Supreme Court of British Columbia 14 Though the pleadings outlined several causes of action, Huddart J. found it necessary to deal only with the claim for breach of confidence. She held Cour supreˆme de la Colombie-...