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Self-Consolidating Concrete(SCC)is an innovative technical achievement developed during the late 1980's in Japan.The core goal of this development was to achieve durable structures.Since then considerable research and development has taken and turned this technology into a powerful tool for successfully...
Completed in 2024 in Japan. Images by Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office. In the densely built-up area of Jingumae, where workers and residences are intermingled, we designed a complex facility open to the public with a...
SCC-South East Asia Singapore Venture Inc. SCC-Japan Tokyo, Japan Hitachi SCC-Latin America Mexico City, Mexico EXEL SCC Headquarters Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Intel SCC-Europe Oslo, Norway Modus Media Under Development: China, India, South America ...
aTwo months ago, Because the Japan's domestic consumption tax rose 3%, So,A part of raw material price adjustment. But, we did not have earlier 二个月前,由于日本的国内消费税上升了3%,如此,原料价格调整的A零件。 但,我们及早没有[translate] ...
#SCC滑板外闻# NikeSB Japan 新片 “WAMONO” 中出镜的日本滑手 Taihou Tokura 的变现可以说是非常亮眼并没有被 Yuto 抢走太多风头。来看看他在片子中的表现。如果你还没有看片,可以去我们之前的微博翻翻看哦 http...
商标名称 SCC 国际分类 第37类-建筑修理 商标状态 商标续展 申请/注册号 4366315 申请日期 2004-11-16 申请人名称(中文) 有限会社日本喜爱洗研究所;YUGENKAISHANIPPONCICKENKYUSHO 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 日本国东京都大田区久原二丁目14番20号;14-20,KUGAHARA 2-CHOME,OTA-KU,TOKYO,JAPAN 申请...
Blood samples from 112 patients suffering from bronchogenic carcinoma prior to any form of therapy and 28 control patients were studied using the SCC RIA BEAD (Dainabot Co., Japan). The mean value of patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was 8.606 ng/ml. Triplicate tests on all samples...
鹏鹏,林建鹏 也不是北京人 开了家服装店 主打1线潮流品牌,mastermind japan 什么的可乐,不跟着陆川拍电影的么 scc里官二代真比富二代多前几个月,有个90后 连买了599GTB lp670 和GTR,我就想知道他是谁 回复 12楼2013-04-16 14:21 伊无索友 尤文经理 14 张宽以前自曝过,SCC刚开始成立时候,也不是这么...