SCC_E_CHECKINCONFLICT無法執行 Checkin,因為: - 其他使用者已提前簽入,且bAutoReconcile為 false。 -或- - 無法完成自動合併(例如,當檔案是二進位檔時)。 SCC_E_VERIFYMERGE檔案已自動合併,但尚未簽入擱置的用戶驗證。 SCC_E_FIXMERGE檔案已自動合併,但因必須手動解決的合併衝突而尚未簽入。
SCCRTN SccCheckin ( LPVOID pvContext, HWND hWnd, LONG nFiles, LPSTR* lpFileNames, LPCSTR lpComment, LONG fOptions, LPCMDOPTS pvOptions ); Parameters pvContext [in] The source control plug-in context structure. hWnd [in] A handle to the IDE window that the SCC plug-in can use as ...
SCC_E_CHECKINCONFLICT 签入不能执行,原因如下: 另一个用户转发注册,并 bAutoReconcile 为 false。 -或 - 该自动合并无法完成 (例如,文件时,在二进制) 时。 SCC_E_VERIFYMERGE 文件自动合并了,但尚未签入挂起的用户验证。 SCC_E_FIXMERGE 文件自动合并了,但尚未签入的是由于必须手动解决的合并冲突。
SCCRTN SccIsMultiCheckoutEnabled( LPVOID pContext, LPBOOL pbMultiCheckout ); 매개 변수pContext[in] 소스 제어 플러그 인 컨텍스트 구조입니다.pbMultiCheckout[out] 이 프로젝트에 대해 여러 체크 아웃을 사용할 수 있는지...
使用前必读 欢迎使用代码检查服务(CodeArts Check)。代码检查是基于云端实现代码质量管理的服务,软件开发者可在编码完成后执行多语言的代码静态检查和安全检查,获取全面的质量报告,并提供缺陷的分组查看与改进建议,有效管控代码质量,帮助产品成功。 您可以使用本文档提供API ...
代码检查 CodeCheck 代码检查(CodeCheck)是基于云端实现代码质量管理的服务,软件开发者可在编码完成后执行多语言的代码静态检查和安全检查,获取全面的质量报告,并提供缺陷的改进建议和趋势分析,有效管控代码质量,帮助产品成功 立即体验 1对1咨询 [免费体验中心]免费领取体验产品,快速开启云上之旅免费 华为云11.11 2核...
and course of the tumor. Larger and more advanced tumors may cause higher SCC levels. However, in the early stages of cancer, SCC levels may only rise slightly or remain normal. Therefore, if SCC elevation is detected during a check-up, it does not immediately indicate a malignant tumor, ...
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IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody supports common configuration management operations, such as Connect to Archive, Add Member, Check In, and Check Out, for a wide variety of configuration management tools. The Windows version of Rhapsody also suppo
IBM Rational Rhapsody supports common configuration management operations, such as Connect to Archive, Add Member, Check In, and Check Out, for a wide variety of configuration management tools. The Windows version of Rational Rhapsody also supports Micro