Villa Borghese fast track tickets + guided tour From €69 Villa Borghese fast track tickets + Gardens + guided tour From €59 Other popular City of Rome tours Best of Rome by bike From €55 Roman Gladiator lesson From €91 Night Vatican Museums Tour Including Sistine Chapel From €152 Privat...
on acruise. Because of also trying to time other visits we really just have 1 day available for the Scavi tour. I sent in the 2d week of March & also have not heard. But the 4 weeks out is concerning since I also want Vatican Museum tour tickets & they release 60 days in advance...
このバチカンのネクロポリスへの小グループ ツアーでは、バチカン複合施設内で最も立ち入りが制限されているエリアの 1 つに独占的にアクセスできます。フレスコ画と遺物で満たされた古代の墓地を訪れ、毎日限られた数の訪問者で、進行中の考古学的発掘を間近で見ることができます。ツアーに...