a) The molecules in the leaves absorb all visible light but strongly reflect green light. b) The molecules in the leaves absorb green light and reflect other Write down an explanation, based on a scientific theory, of why lightning travels through the air. Explain why it is scientific....
It has been proposed that composite particles containing internal scatterers may provide the explanation for the fact that most photometric studies of planetary surfaces based on Hapke's model of bidirectional reflectance have found the planetary particles to exhibit moderately backscattering phase functions...
The book is divided into three parts: basic theory, optical properties of bulk matter, and optical properties of par- tides. The first part begins with a physical explanation of the scattering and absorption processes, followed by a dis- cussion of different aspects of light scattering, i.e....
第六章光的吸收、散射和色散 (AdsorptionScatteringandDispersionofLight)第一节电偶极子辐射 6.1电偶极辐射对反射和折射现象的解释(ExplanationofreflectionandrefractionPhenomenawithdipoleradiation)1.电偶极子模型 ·模 型 光通过物质时,物质中的原子、离子或分子的电荷在入射光电矢量作用下做受迫振动。光是电磁...
The spreading of a stream of particles or a beam of rays, as of light, over a range of directions as a result of collisions with other particles. Scattering is responsible for the color of the sky. On a clear day, the sky is blue, because blue light from the sun is scattered by th...
AdsorptionScatteringandDispersionofLight 6.1Explanationof reflectionandrefractionPhenomenawithdipoleradiation 1 ·模型 光通过物质时,物质中的原子、离子或分子 的电荷在入射光电矢量作用下做受迫振动。 光是电磁波 (E—电矢量) 分子、原子 (p-电偶极子) 受迫振动 kkpteAez cos 电磁辐射 HES ·辐射功率 2 0 1...
Brillouin scattering refers to the inelastic scattering of light by acoustic phonons, providing information about the elastic properties of the scattering medium. It is a technique that has been used to study various materials, such as gases, liquids, crystals, polymers, glasses, semiconductors, and...
scattering of light in transparent media, and showed that its study initiated by the late Lord Rayleigh in his theory of the colour of the sky has other fascinating applications in the explanation of the colour of the sea and other transparent waters, and of the colour of ice on glaciers. ...
LIGHT SCA TTERING AS A TOOL P. DEBYE Department of Chemistry, GorneU University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. The first to explain the blue colour of the sky as an accumulative result of scattering by the molecules of the air was Lord Rayleigh. He established that the intensity of the ...
Explanation: A suspended particle is constantly and randomly bombarded from all sides by molecules of the liquid. If the particle is very small, the number of hits it takes from one side at a given time will be stronger than the bumps from other side. This make the particle jump...