The meaning of SCATTEREDLY is in a scattered manner.
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook scatteredly (ˈskætədlɪ) adv in a scattered or disordered manner Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, ...
将“scatteredly"翻译成匈牙利文 szanaszét是将“scatteredly"翻译成 匈牙利文。 译文示例:The products of Tiszafüred and Kiskunhalas can scatteredly be found int he Carpathean Basin, while the others are concentrated in local districts. ↔ Tiszafüred és Kiskunhalas készítményei szórtan ...
Bokalo, On scatteredly continuous maps between topological spaces, Topol. Appl. 157 (2010) 108-122. 4 [3] S. Gao, V. Kieftenbeld, Resolvable maps preserve complete metrizability, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 138 (2010) 2245-2252. 5 [4] P. Holicky, R. Pol, On a question by Alexey ...
The cRGDfK-WSPIONs showed drastically higher cellular uptake than its corresponding control WSPIONs to MS-1 cells and also, showed higher selectivity to MS-1 cells than to MCF-7 cells, both implicating integrin α _vβ _3-mediated cellular uptake of scatteredly cRGDfK-conjugated WSPIONs.Yoo,...
The invention discloses a scatteredly paved gravel solidified ground surface structure and a manufacturing method thereof. The ground surface structure comprises thin wood plates which are distributed in a latticed mode, reinforcing edges and bearing ground surfaces, wherein the reinforcing edges are ...
The invention is applicable to the technical field of constructional engineering and provides a scatteredly spliced early dismantled building formwork system and a construction method thereof. According to the formwork system, a first standard interior wall formwork is detachably connected to an internal...
The cRGDfK–WSPIONs showed drastically higher cellular uptake than its corresponding control WSPIONs to MS-1 cells and also, showed higher selectivity to MS-1 cells than to MCF-7 cells, both implicating integrin αvβ3-mediated cellular uptake of scatteredly cRGDfK-conjugated WSPIONs....
LIGHTING APPARATUS USING MANUSCRIPT BASE HAVING SCATTEREDLY REFLECTING SURFACEAn illumination housing includes a glass platen for supporting a document, the platen having at least one surface area uniformly roughened. In one embodiment, both surfaces are uniformly roughened by an etching process. The ...
On some properties of spaces of scatteredly continuous mapsBogdan Bokalo