As Jamie becomes increasingly obsessed with the pit and its inhabitants, he finds solace in his only friend: a seemingly innocuous teddy bear that harbors its own dark secrets. With its unsettling atmosphere and haunting story, The Pit serves as a chilling reminder of the potential for evil to...
The goal: Make a 30-second short film that would make the creator of Freddy Krueger wanna sleep with a teddy bear. The theme: “young genius.” Jack, created by Jake Jarvi, won. And it just proves that a classic children’s toy, the jack-in-the-box, doubles as a psychological ...
Though there are some serious nightmare-inducing creatures like the Jack-in-the-box, angel, and evil elves, there are also characters like the evil gingerbread men and teddy bear that are more laughable than scream-worthy. It's a near-perfect balance of horror and humor we just had to men...
Folk Singer, Guests, Guy Head #3, Guy Medalist #2, Head Bash Biker, Hot Dog Man, Hungry Customers, Hungry Feeling, Hunters, Lake Monster, Larry the Lobster, Lawnie Guy #1, Lenny, Little Kid, Little Kids, Man, Marvin, Mechanic 2, Monk, Monster #2, Moose, Mop Villager, Movie Announc...
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic Disturbing as it was, it’s the first song I ever learned. How interesting to read that “the refrain echoed the theme from Robert Browne Hall’s 1895 ‘Deat...
Menu Lifestyle Build-A-Bear Just Released A Plush Grinch In Time For The Holidays!by Sarah Aswell Updated: November 7, 2018 Originally Published: November 7, 2018
Menu Lifestyle Build-A-Bear Just Released A Plush Grinch In Time For The Holidays!by Sarah Aswell Updated: November 7, 2018 Originally Published: November 7, 2018