Jeremy Bentham, an 18th century philosopher, scholar and one of the founders of UCL, died in 1832. But that didn’t stop him continuing to attend council meetings – his skeleton can now be found in the halls of UCL, dressed up in his clothes and stuffed with straw, and has been in ...
before we moved in, was worried by the screaming because of previous events that took place here. Apparently, a drug dealer lived in our house before we moved in, and committed a murder committed inside the house, in my room. He beat her to death and stuffed the body in the f...
She fell right into my grasp. I flung her into her stuffed stand in. The pillows scattered. She landed on all fours, a cat with perfect balance. Her gown dripped with the same septic sap that oozed over the bed frame. You’d think smoking since primary school might spare my nose the ...
He beat her to death and stuffed the body in the fireplace. Ghostly Girl In The Haunted House This will probably never be seen because the post is already at 2,400 comments but I swear on my life that it is absolutely true. One of my close friends lived next to a house that...
Womens’ bodies have always been a prime source of fascination for horror cinema, from the animal sexuality of Cat People to let’s-not-go-there modern shockers like Teeth. But the best of the bunch has to be this crafty Canadian werewolf movie, in which a teenage girl’s first period ...
Participants compete with each other in doing insane stunts or disgusting feats that nearly make them flee! An example of such a feat is wearing a stern face and informing your friends that yesterday you ran over some dude and you stuffed the bodies in your room. Continue by telling them th...
It must have been a fairly large animal too. The hunter had his nerve with him to tackle it with a light gun. It’s clear that the brute put up a fight. I suppose the first three shots I heard was when the hunter flushed his quarry and wounded it. The last shot was when he ...
Why didn’t the scarecrow eat dinner? — He was already stuffed. What is a zombie’s favorite thing to eat? — Brain food Why did the zombie skip school? — He felt rotten. Why did the witch take a nap? — She needed to rest a spell. ...
you need more inspired material. One of the bestthings about having a toddleris that they’re not hard critics when it comes to jokes. They’re a pretty easy crowd, but only if you reach them at their level. In this case, animal jokes andfunny questionsthat pertain to them are basicall...
before we moved in, was worried by the screaming because of previous events that took place here. Apparently, a drug dealer lived in our house before we moved in, and committed a murder committed inside the house, in my room. He beat her to death and stuffed the body in the f...