The tale’s origins are unknown. There are varying accounts why the ghost appears along Balete Drive, but the most common story is that decades ago, a girl died due to a car accident along the street. Horror movies in the Philippines have been produced based on this urban legend...
The Insular Life Building in Makati City, The Philippines is believed to be haunted. They say the ghost is the daughter of one of the previous owners and she has been seen on the 8th floor. There was a man who worked on the 9th floor of the building. One night, he was working late...
Penanggalan Stories According to Malaysian folklore, the Penanggal was once a woman who obtained her beauty through black magic rituals. She made a pact with a demon in order to gain supernatural powers. However, she fell foul of the demonic force when she broke the pact and was cursed to ...
The best scary stories are true.Many of us have had encounters with the paranormal and the supernatural. We all thought there were monsters under our bed, but some of us really had a boogieman living in our closet, or a ghost walking in our attic. Myths on their own are powerless until...
Hi my name is Jen and I live at manila Philippines. I’m now 22 years old living with my boyfriend. Anyway, this is a real story that actually happened to me when I was staying in our house at the province. This experience happened to me when I was 12 years old right after my gr...
I’m the architect of the first piece of motion-picture tax credit legislation in the Philippines. I got to help out on the Boston Marathon bombing prosecution, did a lot of other terrorism cases. Now I’m practicing in a large firm in Hong Kong. 3. Lindsey Haun: Village of the ...
On a more regional level, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has also said in a report titled “ASEAN in Transformation”, that half of the salaried workers – approximately 137 million workers – in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand might lose their jobs in ...
One day, I’ll tell you the story of today—of what happened, whatever does happen. The two stories will be different, and both will likely shape the world you grow up in. In one version of today’s story, we’re joyous and triumphant—we have hope! We’ve weathered adversity and ...
Both claims seem to rely on substituting “just so” stories for actual history. As you point out, there is rather more discretion in the operation of the gold standard than is often recognised. The Bank of England typically used the Bank Rate as an instrument of policy, for example. Far...
There are too many stories about the states to tell in the small a space, and we have to get to the food, but here are a few tidbits before we move on. The Yap have a deep cultural connection to dance and the children learn dances that tell the history of their people. Chuck men...