Notable examples of these spine-chilling tales include Child's Play, a classic in the horror film world, featuring the infamous Chucky, a murderous doll imbued with the spirit of a serial killer. Annabelle: Creation, a prequel to the fabled "Annabelle" movie, delves into the dark origins of...
This stop-motion animated movie — another Tim Burton flick — is about a groom who accidentally marries a corpse and has to travel to the Land of the Dead to set things right. With all the focus on ghosts and skeletons, the vibes are right for scary movie night. ...
Poltergeist saw The Texas Chain Saw Massacre director Tobe Hooper link up with Steven Spielberg for a haunted house horror movie that veers wildly between family-friendly fun and something nastier, darker, and gorier. One minute a spectral hand appears from a TV set, and then just a few scen...
The Butler just killed me with the hand. Yes, it was gross, but I think you just have to let go and just go with the joke. Scary Movie 2 isn't the best comedy ever, but it's a decent one with your brain turned off. Sick jokes, yes, and very crude one's, this movie isn'...
They combine the two metrics to create a “Scare Score” and determine which scary movies have the biggest impact. The highest possible score is 100. The highest-ranked movie is “Sinister,” which came out in 2012. It starts out with the horror movie trope of a family moving into a hou...
But the filmmakers here clearly are fans of the genre and have filled this movie with likeable characters, some great gags, and plenty of gore. It's a fun, and really funny, ride. 8 - The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014) - 0 pumpkins. Yes, this movie is that bad,...
One thing we know for sure: stop-motion animation goes hand-in-hand with spooky scares. This movie, from the makers of Coraline, follows the story of a boy who can communicate with the dead, and he uses the power to unravel a town-wide mystery. WATCH ON PRIME VIDEO Marisa LaScala ...
Hanson:I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now you be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something. Dwight Hartman:Oh, that's funny, that's real funny. Um, let me give you a "hand." ...
Anyone interested in movies or the movie business! The film needs extras to take part in a funeral scene and biker types with bikes. They are also looking to fill bar scenes with waiters and bar goers but you must be at least twenty-one in order to be an extra for those roles. ...
The all-too-common "based on a true story," along with the less reliable "inspired by true events," have become ubiquitous additions to most horror movie marketing campaigns. Going back to 1974’s Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and its unsettling and unforgettable tagline — "What happened is ...