It's quite ironic, because in the first movie, the Wayans brothers wanted to not only parody horror movies but also the countless teen movies that have recently come into existence since the mid 90's. Now, they too, have befallen the same trap that they once set out to destroy through...
Tourneur was right about the monster – it’s B-movie silly. But the French-born director knew his business and elsewhere gives an object lesson in frightening the audience out their seats with the mere placing of a hand on a banister. Scriptwriter Charles Bennett was likewise enraged by the...
the MCU’s Doctor Strange used the Darkhold to dream walk using the corpse. The scene plays out like any classic zombie movie, with his decayed corpse rising from the dead and a
But maybe the most impressive performance in the film is Sydney Greenstreet as the Machiavellian sheriff. Greenstreet was a masterful actor, and he’s a powerful presence in this movie. There’s no ambiguity in the character. Sherrif Semple is absolutely ruthless and completely corrupt. So it’...
and he’s a powerful presence in this movie. There’s no ambiguity in the character. Sherrif Semple is absolutely ruthless and completely corrupt. So it’s impressive that Greenstreet’s performance is as compelling as it is. It could have been a total cliche, but the actor brings so much...