Based on the popular children's books, this movie follows a trio of orphans as they are sent to live with their distant relative Count Olaf (played by Jim Carrey) after a tragic accident. As they figure out Count Olaf's true intentions, the kids try to make an escape. But just as th...
Here is a list of 5 scary books to read this Halloween. These are horror books with a purpose: to scare you, creep you out and put you right in the Halloween mood for celebrating this awesome holiday. I love reading horror stories, stories with zombies, stories with vampires, haunted sto...
Beth Castrodale worked as a newspaper reporter until her love of books led her to the publishing field. She was a senior editor at Bedford/St. Martin’s and is the founding editor of the book-review websiteSmall Press Picks. Her début novel,Marion Hatley, was a finalist...
Halloween is almost here, and what better way to celebrate the spooky season than with some equally spooky books? Age-appropriate scary stories have been shown to get kids excited about reading, while also teaching them how to confront their fears, build resilience, and cope in difficult situati...
The older brother screams in fright and desperately tries to free himself from the grip of the hand, all the while being pulled into the wardrobe. The younger brother grabs him and together they manage to pull free. They both run screaming from the apartment. ...
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* Free stories: unlimited access to a collection of free stories. * Premium stories: unlock facetime videos, photos, calls with a rewarding action. * Progress bar: easy to view your reading progress. Weve created our texts based on the most popular books. Mustread is like having the best...
And if you like what you read, please leave a review online so I know what you thought. Every review helps me out immensely. Not to mention, it helps other readers figure out if the book is right for them. Rami Ungar’s Books & Stories ...
Because getting started is sometimes the hardest part of any project, here are 25 ways to start a story that writers can use to prompt their next tale. By Robert Lee BrewerJan 31, 2020 Finding Discipline Through... In this week’s round up brought to us by Script magazine, read an...
Real scary stories told by the people who lived through them. Read them for free or contribute yours!