I have 3 spirits a female gypsy, a jealous male spirit and a guardian angel, they company me 24/7. Sometimes I feel them and a lot of times I don't. They … Stalked By The Supernatural? Hello everyone, I want to share something that has happened to me (since I was a little ...
One day a girl named Alice was walking in the forests when she met a group of popular girls from her school. They started to kick her and call her names. … Revenge of the Zombie Cat I never liked my cat Poppy. Although last year when (the year's currently 2013) she got hit by ...
It depicts the severed head of Medusa, a mythical monster who's described as a female woman with bronze hands and countless venomous snakes for hair. Legend has it that anyone who even so much as glanced at her would be turned to stone. Medusa was cursed by the Greek goddess Athena, ...
Due to the famous “The Witcher”, the Lady Midnights are immediately associated with the Lady Middays – also female demons, but ones that would strike at midnight. This was probably another name for a night maiden, i.e. a folk monster dressed in a black dress, lurking for a wanderer ...
On our first river safari we were lucky to spot a female orangutan who didn’t mind us observing her at close range for a solid spell. She was the only of her species we spotted on our safaris but we were both entertained and mesmerized zooming about the river during sunrise and ...