Some of the surgeries that the participants had included tummy tuck, facelift, breast surgery, and the removal of skin growths that were non-cancerous. Each of the patients started the first microneedling treatment, out of a series of three treatments, within six to sixteen months after ...
In a study published inPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the team led by Claytor studied twenty-five female patients who were seeking some form of treatment for the scars that appeared after a surgical procedure. Some of the surgeries that the participants had included tummy tuck, facelift, bre...
53 year old before and 14 months after a mini facelift and mini necklift. Notice even with no filler injections how much more natural her nasolabial folds look. Notice the harmonious jawline and lifted jowls. This is important as nowadays people overfill a lot of areas and then patients loo...