Mit dem Bio Mojito ging Scarpa einen großen Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und hat sich viele weitere Schritte vorgenommen. Als WIR DENKEN UM Marke zeichnet sich Scarpa vor allem durch folgende Punkte aus: - Das Unternehmen bekennt sich zu Verantwortung in der gesamten Lieferkette - Da...
1359元起降价提醒 当前规格: SCARPA思嘉帕莫吉托生态版MOJITO BIO户外透气休闲鞋32706-350 鲨鱼灰 44 全网比价 京东 最低 ¥1359 商品介绍完善信息 规格查看更多 鞋帮高度 低帮 货号 32706-350 适用性别 通用 闭合方式 系带 品牌 SCARPA/思卡帕 1452人关注 ...
NEW GENERATION SHOES Mojito Bio Maestrale Re-Made WE SCARPA COMMUNITY Stories Ambassadors INNOVATION Presa® Golden Gate Kima RT 4-Quattro Pro - Nikolai Schirmer Maestrale - The Orange Legend Phantom 6000 HDSELECTION GUIDE Climbing Ski mountaineering and telemark...
SCARPA【鸡尾酒系列mojito】思嘉帕户外男女款莫吉托中帮防水防滑休闲鞋 深棕 40 43+条评论 SCARPA思嘉帕户外鞋愤怒轻量版FURIA AIR男士防滑攀岩鞋70059-000 波罗的海蓝拼黄 40 10+条评论 SCARPA思嘉帕莫吉托生态版MOJITO BIO户外男款针织网面透气休闲鞋 夜幕蓝色 36 ...
SCARPA’s new fully biodegradable shoe, the Mojito Bio was recognized this month as industry winner in the third-annual Outdoor Retailer Innovation Awards. The Mojito Bio is the first 100-percent biodegradable shoe with a performance rubber sole. ...
SCARPA’s Tour Lite line offers a range of ski boots for expert or professional mountaineers who like having to climb over rocks or ice with their skis on their shoulders or challenging descents.
MOJITO WRAP BIO € 170,00 3 color options MOJITO WRAP R € 185,00 2 color options MOJITO WRAP R € 185,00 2 color optionsSIGN UP FOR SCARPA NEWS Newsletter Registration I, the User, having read the notice, hereby request the registration to the Newsletter service of SCARPA and...
满足我的审美!黑五到手Scarpa Mojito 户外徒步鞋 黑五的商品陆续到货,这个是走转运的第一单。 直接上商品[商品:Scarpa Men's Mojito Hiking Shoe] 这鞋以前推过,第一眼就震了,没想到有做得这么有型的鞋子(不过评论里很多值友都说接受不了,原谅我的审美吧)。看到的时候已经晚了,原价,呃。。。算了等吧...
Mojito Wrap Bio Lifestyle Shoes Men - thyme green -24% Scarpa Golden Gate 2 ATR Trail Running Shoes Men - orange fluo/spring green Scarpa Mojito City Mid GTX Wool Shoes Men - black -24% Scarpa Mojito Trail GTX Hiking Shoes Men - natural Scarpa Mojito GTX Shoes Men - dark grasshopper Sc...
GREEN MANIFESTO Unser Green Manifesto GREEN LAB Longlife Design Life Re-Shoe Offizielle Neubesohler NEW GENERATION SHOES Mojito Bio Maestrale Re-Made ABOUT SCARPA COMMUNITY Blog Ambassadors INNOVATION Presa® 4-Quattro Pro - Nikolai Schirmer Maestrale - The Orange Legend Phantom 6000 HD SELECTION ...