Pirri, C., Petrelli, L., Fede, C., Guidolin, D., Tiengo, C., De Caro, R., & Stecco, C. (2023). Blood supply to the superficial fascia of the abdomen: An anatomical study. Clinical Anatomy, 36(4), 570–580. https://doi.org/10.1002/ca.23993 本文来自意大利Stecco筋膜手法团队,...
___, tranversalis→ ___ tranversal, localizada entre el peritoneo y el músculo transverso del abdomen. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 fascia n (pl -ciae) fascia English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All...
The thickness of the fat layer superficial to Scarpa's fascia was an average of 19 mm at mid abdomen and 22 mm in the lower abdomen (p << 0.05). The thickness of the fat layer deep to Scarpa's fascia was 14 mm in the mid abdomen and 5 mm in the lower abdomen (p...
Dissection was continued superiorly, demonstrating continuation of the MSF over the entire torso with loose fibrous attachment of the MSF to the deep fascia. The MSF is firmly adherent to the midline of the abdomen except for the umbilicus, to a horizontal line below the clavicles and laterally...
Scarpa fascia versus rectus sheath plane in Lipoabdominoplasty flap dissection: Comparative study.Background: Abdominoplasty and lipoabdominoplasty are frequently performed aesthetic procedures to improve the contour of the abdomen and flanks. The improvement obtained would positively impact the patient's...
The CTA s were examined for number of perforators, SIEV size at 10cm below the umbilicus, height of subscarpal fat pad and suprascarpal fat pad at 10 cm below the umbilicus at the edge of rectus fascia. These data were gathered for each hemi abdomen giving 28 data points. Results:...
Pirri, C., Petrelli, L., Fede, C., Guidolin, D., Tiengo, C., De Caro, R., & Stecco, C. (2023). Blood supply to the superficial fascia of the abdomen: An anatomical study. Clinical Anatomy, 36(4), 570–580. https://doi.org/10.1002/ca.23993 ...