Italian manufacturer of backcountry skiing, freeride, telemark, mountaineering, trekking, trail running and climbing. Shop online from the official store!
From the vertical walls of crags to the highest peaks, from tracks in the snow to roads lost in the horizon, SCARPA's footwear are designed for every terrain and every activity. With the iconic Mojito, SCARPA has opened a new path, that of the urban outdoors. The footwears are ...
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Entdecke Scarpa bei Sport Conrad! Jetzt bequem online bestellen ✓ Große Scarpa Auswahl ✓ Einfach und sicher bestellen ✓ Schnelle Lieferung
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SCARPA makes performance-driven and purpose-built backcountry skiing, climbing, hiking, mountaineering, trail running, and telemark footwear.
The new Vibram X Scarpa partnership is here. Find out all the products, prices, and features of the new collaboration.
1、SCARPA思嘉帕登山鞋男莫林三代PRO户外鞋GTX防水防滑耐磨徒步鞋女 鞋面采用1.6-1.8MM牛巴戈皮,坚韧耐磨持久耐用,且易于打理区域网眼设计让长时间行走干爽不闷脚。GORE-TEX防水透气技术,内衬采用防水薄膜,持续防水,强效透气不惧多变天气。SCARPA自研ACTIV科技,让整个鞋身达到立体包裹的效果同时增强缓震,降低...
Scarpa思卡帕,现已改名思嘉帕,成立于1938年意大利,是世界顶尖级户外品牌。同样也是全球知名的登山鞋制造商,意大利鞋品高质量的典范。 他家的鞋子采用纯手工制作,历经22道工序,生产一双鞋至少需要3天时间,比较注重制鞋科技和可持续材料的整合。品控方面非常严格。