UTOC Signature Bypass patch for Scarlet Nexus (Enable Mod Loading) Miscellaneous Uploaded: 17 Feb 2023 Last Update: 08 Apr 2023 Author: DeathChaos Uploader: DeathChaosV2 A patch that allows mods to be loaded by patching out the utoc signature check. 160KB 324 7.8k Improved Visuals Misce...
This mod replaces the Tiger Hide Loincloth Outfit with Daiwa Scarlet.Please add "-openfilelog" in steam setting.Put the file into <Your Game Folder>\b1\Content\PaksPlease credit the author in your video or any kind of media, 转载MOD务必标明作者.https://space.bilibili.com/9958911Model: Cyg...
Without Trinity, mods for Sc/Vi would be impossible due to the game's filesystem. By default, the games will not look for loose files, they instead use a file named data.trpfd to look inside a data.trpfs to find its files, Trinity modifies data.trpfd to force the game to load loo...