10 of the Best Scary and Creepy World Seeds in Minecraft Image via Mojang 10. Seed: 646887542 Everything about this seed screams post-apocalyptic and strange. Players will find themselves in a desolate world devoid of life. Or, more appropriately, friendly life. There are plenty of ruins, ...
Minecraft actually said, "Phantoms are dangerous mobs at night, so sleep normal!" And it happened - those green eyes, that flying blue thing - uh, it's creepy. They attack you when you haven't slept for three Minecraft days. To make matters worse, they fly straight at you while ...
Even though it's June, and according to what this thing targets, I would technically be "safe" as I'm a teenage only child in a non-rural town that rarely gets snow, I'm still a bit paranoid that this thing is going to come after me! While I know SCPs are (hopefully) fictional...
From Slender Man to something called Robert the Doll and the Smile Dog, the Creepypasta community has been home to the most disturbing stories in the world. Here are 10 to give you nightmares forever.