Scariest Places in the World: Avec Jeremy Bates, Sara Burdorff, Brandi Butcher, Daniel Craig. Step into 10 of the most terrifying locations in the world, ranging from haunted castles to abandoned islands certain to send chills down your spine.
As Halloween season approaches, we got to wondering about naturally scary places. Think destinations where adrenaline-packed excitement or otherworldly landscapes invoke spine-tingling sensations. We searched around the world to come up with a list of locations that in one way or another qualify as ...
Condemned: Criminal Origins places players in the shoes of Ethan Thomas, a crime scene investigator suddenly entangled in a twisted plot full of brutal violence and supernatural forces. Its standout feature within the horror genre lies in its gritty, raw style; the game foregoes traditional gun ...
It's raw, often making you question the reality of what's unfolding, much like the protagonist Richard's own perceptions. Yet, at its core, it's a story of resilience, the pursuit of truth, and the importance of allies in the most unexpected places. ...
Identity Fraud is a psychological horror game that places you in a twisted maze filled with mysterious creatures and hidden dangers. The game’s unique selling point is its AI system, which enables the creatures to mimic the appearance and behavior of other players, leaving you questioning who ...
Not to be confused with the (amusing but unspectacular)Curse of La Llorona, this Guatemalan film places the legendary weeping woman in the context of the family of a barely fictionalized dictator, the man responsible for the native Mayan genocide of the early 1980s, whose family is haunted by...
While it can be a bit too cryptic in some places for the modern player, it is also fair to say that no one will yell at you for consulting a walkthrough.The Battle of Olympusallows you to explore freely, along with going back to previously visited areas to open up new places, especia...
What makes the study even MORE interesting is when we hear some of these 'haunted' places are right here close to home in East Texas. Take the East Texas city ofTyler, for example. According to one group that is well-known for their ongoing investigation of the supernatural and schedules ...
Youtuber who explore abandoned and haunted places and documents the adventures. 31 69 votes The Haunting Of Sunshine Girl Network 32 66 votes BaptismOnFire See what is ranked #1 Unexpected Horror Movie Hits That Came Out Of Nowhere Vote 33 27 votes Flix Horror 34 40 votes hoodohoodlum...
After David rescues his sister Amy (Katie Aselton), reality fractures in a few places that allow both Aubrey Plaza’s riveting Lenny and the monstrous Devil with Yellow Eyes to reveal the depth of David’s pain. And cause some frightened viewers too. Stream on Hulu Hulu The Last of Us...