The Night House, by Jo Nesbo (2023) In The Night House, a chilling horror novel from a renowned author, fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved is sent to live with his relatives in the secluded town of Ballantyne after the devastating loss of his parents in a fire. Soon after arriving, Richa...
James Wan has staked out a place among the modern masters of horror, directing films likeSaw,Dead Silence,Insidious, and this inspired-by-true-events chiller based on the experiences of real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. The Warrens, best known for their work on the str...
For those looking for a good read and a good scare, don’t worry, this list of the most popular horror books has both.
A movie doesn't need to belong to the horror genre to be disturbing, scary, or terrifying. Sure, the most reliable genre for getting one's heart racing and nerves on edge will likely remain the horror genre, but movies don't always fit neatly into one category. This can lead to horror...
Netflix Meet the Cast and Characters of ‘No Good Deed’ All About ‘Queer Eye’ Newcomer Jeremiah Brent What’s Going On in the Fab Five’s Love Lives? A‘Selling Sunset’ Spin-off Is Coming for NYC All About Sabrina’s Xmas Variety Show ...
As the summer breeze fades into an autumn chill and this year’s spooky season peeks through the corner, a horror movie is a surefire way to get the blood flowing (or curdling). Luckily, there's no shortage of scary movies to choose from, and the subject matter is wide-ranging. Dystopi...
Based on Stephen King's iconic horror novel of the same name,Ithas become incredibly famous largely due to its terrifying villain, Pennywise the Dancing Clown. In this version of the story, he's played by Bill Skarsgard, who delivers a particularly memorable and menacing performance as the el...
Horror cinema can not only be terrifying but also culturally and artistically important, and these are 20 of the most crucial films of the genre.
A few years ago, audiences flocked to see a pair horror movies about a killer sewer clown that ate children. These werethe two chapters of "It,"based on a novel by Stephen King. The two "It" movies were constructed like thrill rides, presenting childhood fears like bloody, noisy am...
8Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023) Stream now on Paramount+ The Stephen King novelPet Semataryhas a Wendigo behind the horror of the cemetery that brings the dead back to life. This played out in the 2019 remake and was also on display inthe sequel,Pet Sematary: Bloodlines. When it comes ...