疤面煞星:世界是你的Scarface: The World Is YoursPS2 美版 (2006)…封面载入中…
Miami in the '80s: gangs, drugs and hookers dominate the scene and a Cuban called Tony Montana rises up to be the most powerful drug dealer, controlling the whole of Miami. This is the story of the 1983 movie Scarface in which Tony Montana dies during...
Tony Montana strictly in a video game sense. So pull that octopus out of your ears, er, eyes, and let’s see if that’s the case in Scarface: The World is Yours… If you had to sum up Scarface: The World is Yours in a few words, you’d be tempted to say that it’s “GTA...
2回复贴,共1页 <返回ps2吧回复:求:美版scarface:the world is yours(疤面人)的xp金手指 只看楼主收藏回复 kensen舞 颇具盛名 7 不会吧...这个,我对老美不是很感冒..而且我没玩过这个... 瞬走... 4楼2007-04-22 16:47 回复 kensen舞 颇具盛名 7 对了,你可以去百度词典上找下翻译,(一个词...