2021年 国内市场参考价: ¥229 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“博德力加酒庄稻草人长相思白葡萄酒(Pertaringa Scarecrow Sauvignon Blanc, Adelaide Hills, Australia) ”的酒款综述 这款酒色泽明亮,散发着淡淡的百香果和香料的香气,口感柔顺清新,带有热带水果的风味,适合搭配海鲜类食物。
Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon is named after the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz because the man who originally owned the estate was the late J.J. Cohn, the legendary head of MGM, which is the studio that produced The Wizard of Oz. Located in Rutherford in Napa Valley, Scarecrow, which relea...
长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)典型香气:柠檬、西柚、桃子、接骨木、芦笋、荨麻、醋栗、黑醋栗芽孢和椴花等 起源:作为一个芳香型的白葡萄品种,长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)的香气与红葡萄品种赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)有几分相似,都有类似于草本植物的香气。1997年,DNA检测证实品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)和长相思是赤霞珠的双…【详情...
Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon is named after the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz because the man who originally owned the estate was the late J.J. Cohn, the legendary head of MGM, which is the studio that produced The Wizard of Oz. Located in Rutherford in Napa Valley, Scarecrow, which relea...