Goldsmith, K., Roux, C., & Ma, J. (2018). When seeking the best brings out the worst in consumers: Understanding the relationship between a maximizing mindset and immoral behavior.Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 293–309. Google Scholar Goldsmith, K., Roux, C., & Cannon, C. ...
Scarcity Brain:Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough (Michael Easter) (mobi+azw3+epub) 文件大小: 19.4MB 文件格式: mobi+azw3+epub 出版发行: Rodale Books 出版时间: 2023年9月 上架分类: 心理学 文件编号: 001719 解压密码: 在下载页面见 您当前的等级为 游客 支付...
When you transition into a growth mindset you reframe your perception of scarcity from within. It does not mean scarcity no longer exists in the perceptions of others, it means you are no longer beholden to its destructive nature. Therefore, no matter what anyone else says about scarcity, it ...
” McKinley says. “We have a good thing going and hope to move forward with them.” Druley adds that the company also will likely move forward with expansion, with more Indiana stores planned. To be sure, this Market Watch Leader epitomizes the mindset of so many of ...