Scarcity Brain 作者:Michael Easter 出版社:Rodale Books 副标题:Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough 出版年:2023-9-26 页数:304 定价:USD 28.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780593236628 豆瓣评分 8.4 125人评价 5星 36.8%...
亲爱的朋友,这个应该就是你在找的东西。 点击[匮乏大脑(简体中文) Scarcity Brain:Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough (Michael Easter) .epub]开启发现之旅吧~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,有没有其他资源想让我分享呀?
非虚构书籍要点总结 “Scarcity Brain” by Michael Easter 为什么我们想要比拥有更多的东西? 作者 Michael Easter 认为这源自远古祖先遗留下来的“稀缺大脑”。由于食物、物质、信息和权力等重要生存工具的稀缺,...
by:青色元動力 3545 B by:ECHO_CUI 7667 B by:PennyWang_1 1133 B by:听友28341257 717 B.o.B Vs. Bobby Ray-B.o.B by:嘻哈有态度 72 B La B - Lab Cartel-B La B by:嘻哈有态度 121 B2 - B 2 Busy-B2 by:嘻哈有态度 105
The fix for scarcity brain isn’t to blindly aim for less. It’s to understand why we crave more in the first place, shake our worst habits, and use what we already have better. Then we can experience life in a new way—a more satisfying way. About the AuthorMichael Easter is the ...
Scarcity Brain By Michael Easter … Everyone knows any behavior is fine in moderation. But why do we suck so bad at moderating? Why do we keep eating when we're full? Why do we keep shopping when we own too much? Why do we keep drinking when w...
Michael Easter (@Michael_Easter) is a Professor of Journalism at UNLV who joins Paul to discuss the topic of his new book, Scarcity Brain: Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough. Michael shares his findings when it comes to answering the question: Why can’t...
> 华研 > 英文原版 稀缺大脑 Scarcity Brain 英文版 修正渴求心态 重塑习惯 心理学 舒适危机作者 Michael Easter 精装 进口英语书籍 济南通博图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: 4.6 高 售后服务: 4.5 中 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
Scarcity Brain:Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough (Michael Easter) (mobi+azw3+epub) 文件大小: 19.4MB 文件格式: mobi+azw3+epub 出版发行: Rodale Books 出版时间: 2023年9月 上架分类: 心理学 文件编号: 001719 解压密码: 在下载页面见 您当前的等级为 游客 支付...
[00:33:27]Michael Easter:The NIH has traditionally thought of since nineties has thought of addiction as a brain disease that an addict has some problem with their brain. And there’s, they had some brain scans that. Led them to believe this. ...