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The South Cliff Lift in Scarborough was the first of its kind in the UK. Beginning its working life in 1875, the lift is still in operation and the £8,000 cost to build the lift seems like a good investment for a method of transport that is still transporting passengers over 140 yea...
Scarborough Borough Council 成立年份 1974 僱員 501 - 1000 總部 英國, Scarborough 年度營收 $15M - $25M 行業 法律和政府 > 政府 scarborough.gov.uk的流量排名 網站排名有助於評估一個企業的價值。 過去三個月,scarborough.gov.uk 的全球排名 排名已從 1,406,698 上升至1,497,569。