Adhesions typically begin to form within the first few days after surgery, but they may not produce symptoms for months or even years. As scar tissue begins to restrict motion of the small intestines, passing food through thedigestive systembecomes progressively more difficult. The bowel may become...
It generally occurs in pelvic cavity. But extrapelvic location has been defined (such as extremities, central nervous system, lungs, pleurae, liver, umbilicus, pericardium, urinary tract, intestines, and surgical scar tissue). Scar endometriosis is a rare disease and defined as presence of ...
Adhesions formed by scar tissue can affect the functioning of the diaphragm, as well as alignment of the trunk. Pilates can be a viable treatment that addresses the limitations in trunk mobility and restores balance to the trunk muscles.Annalisa Pessin...
"I was connected with Michelle for manual lymphatic drainage as well as scar tissue and adhesion treatment. What I found in Michelle was a true partner to be my side of the journey ahead. While the results of her skill and techniques are outstanding, it is also her emotional intelligence an...
Researchers at Stanford University have found that spraying a gel on the internal tissues of animals after cardiac surgery greatly reduces adhesions, fibrous bands that form between internal organs and tissues. Adhesions can cause serious, even fatal, co