Planes of the Human Body | Definition, Anatomy & Diagram5:06 Ch 2.Chemical and Cellular Biology Ch 3.Tissue Biology Ch 4.Integumentary System Ch 5.Skeletal System Ch 6.Muscular System Anatomy Ch 7.Muscular System Physiology Ch 8.Introduction to the Human Nervous... ...
Tissue engineering aims to achieve regeneration of a tissue comprising the original properties and function without scar tissue formation. From: Encyclopedia of Bone Biology, 2020 About this pageSet alert Also in subject area: Immunology and MicrobiologyDiscover other topics On this page Definition Chapt...
Definition The term glial scar describes the structure that develops at regions of CNS injury. Macroscopically, a region of pale tissue that looks similar to scar tissue in the skin or elsewhere in the body comes to surround the area of damage. However, the cellular and molecular composition of...
The Shear Velocity Device (SVD) is a portable tool that can be used to analyse soft biologic tissue by measuring the propagation of an auditory shear wave through the skin surface [166,167]. The device works on the principal that an acoustic shear wave will have a higher velocity in a ha...
Tissue microstructure: new non-invasive in vivo imaging techniques analyse the morphological tissue architecture of the scar, providing measurements previously only possible by histopathological analysis of biopsy samples. Pain/sensation: pain is a commonly measured parameter in many subjective scales however...
We can speculate that the tissue edema created during ablation could render a reentrant circuit located in deeper layers or in the surrounding myocardium transiently inactive. A limited endocardial ablation that does not eliminate all potential channels and re-entrant circuits might be a potential ...
[1,2,3]. Furthermore, in patients requiring cardiac resynchronization therapy, detection of focal fibrosis and coronary sinus/vein anatomy may help to guide the intervention [4]. In these applications, the accurate discrimination of fibrotic or scarred tissue from surrounding healthy myocardium is ...
Figure 1. Basic anatomy of the human eye and location of the cornea. The corneal tissue consists of five distinct layers: Epithelial; Bowman's; Stromal; Descemets; and Endothelial layers with the three cellular functional layers being the epithelium, stroma and the endothelium (Figure 2). A ...