details about how she got the scar as she considers it to be a personal subject. “Looking in the mirror, sometimes it can be hard because I know exactly where it’s from. But at the same time, I feel like in a way it’s empowering. It’s like, you know, I got through that....
van den Broek LJ, Limandjaja GC, Niessen FB, Gibbs S (2014) Human hypertrophic and keloid scar models: principles, limitations and future challenges from a tissue engineering perspective. Exp Dermatol 23:382–386. : 10.1111/exd.12419 Central...
Agent Scar is an operative of S.Y.S.T.E.M., the malevolent conspiracy that secretly rules the world. More specifically, Scar was part of the Amber cell of SYSTEM, which operated out of the Garden Station base beneath Dakota City.[1] In recent times, SYST
During an anogenital tracking event, the male tracked while presumably sniffing the anogenital region of the female as she ran around the cage. When the snout of the male was touching or nearly touching the anogenital region of the female for a continuous amount of time (> 1-sec), we ...
"Temper. Temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you." "As far as the brains go, I got the lion’s share." “But when it comes to brute strength...” “I’m afraid I’m in the shallow end of the gene pool.” "You won't get a sniff without me!" ...
whereof only articles with those terms as major topic were included, and the MeSH ‘burns’ were not exploded, excluding articles about chemical, electrical, eye and sun burns and inhalationinjury(n=928). Limits were set to English, French and Dutch articles about human studies (n=597). The...
Lack of a relevant animal model is one barrier toward better understanding its pathophysiology. Our objective is to demonstrate that grafting split-thickness human skin onto nude mice results in survival of engrafted human skin and murine scars that are morphologically, histologically, and ...
a parachute out of everything broken; my scars are my shield; and I jump, daylight or dark, into any country, where as I descend I turn native and stumble into terribly human speech and wince recognition.) ~William Stafford, "Any Time," c.1967 ...
What causes a scar? The normal healing process in human tissue results in a scar. Scars occur when tissues have been significantly damaged and cannot be repaired with like tissue. Multicellular animals, particularly those with organs, have had to develop this means of survival and repair rather ...
Thrombin and TGF-ß promote human leptomeningeal cell proliferation in vitro. Neurosci Lett 1995; 90:105–108. Google Scholar Sarnat HB. Ependymal reactions in injury: A review. J Neuropath Exp Neurol 1995; 54:1–15. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Bruni JE. Ependymal development, proliferation,...