(AAROM) exercises to the elbow and shoulder • At week 2, MD may repeat x-ray or choose a bone scan in the event of continued pain and tenderness over the snuffbox with negative x-rays Sub Acute Stage / Moderate Condition: Week 3-6 Goals: Protection Continue to control pain and ...
85% of patients had no new fracture on second Scaphoid X-ray series, whilst 15% of patients did have a fracture noted on second Scaphoid series that had not been seen initially. The patients wi th delayed fracture diagnosis were mostly male, had suffered a fall in 50% of cases and were...
Patients were immobilized in a thumb spica splint and then seen in the office 1 to 14 days after the emergency room visit, at which time a repeat physical examination, wrist x-ray, and the single investigative ultrasound were done using the opposite wrist as a control. All patients were ...
The incidence of true scaphoid fracture and the value of radionuclide scan was evaluated in a 1-year retrospective review of 54 emergency department patients with a preliminary diagnosis of clinical scaphoid fracture (snuff box tenderness and negative initial X-ray study). All emergency department ...