Windows® 11, Windows® 10 / macOS® Mojave 10.14 (or later) Required: ScanSnap iX1600, iX1500, iX1400, iX1300, S1100i, S1300i, iX100, SV600, iX500, S1100. Download*Find Out More *For MacOS Select your location Click "Download for other OSes" ...
iX1600/iX1500 打开ScanSnap的ADF进纸斜槽(盖板)。 将激活触摸面板。 iX1400 打开ScanSnap的ADF进纸斜槽(盖板)。 [Scan]按钮以蓝光闪烁。启用文档扫描时按钮变回正常点亮状态。 iX1300 执行以下任一操作将打开ScanSnap的电源。 拿住ADF进纸斜槽(盖板)的右侧并将其打开 ...
Windows® 11, Windows® 10 / macOS® Mojave 10.14 (or later) Required: ScanSnap iX1600, iX1500, iX1400, iX1300, S1100i, S1300i, iX100, SV600, iX500, S1100. Download*Find Out More *For MacOS Select your location Click "Download for other OSes" ...
VueScan is compatible with the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1600 on Windows, macOS and Linux. If you're using Windows and you've installed a Fujitsu driver, VueScan's built-in drivers won't conflict with this. If you haven't installed a Windows driver for this scanner, VueScan will automatically inst...
请按以下步骤启动ScanSnap无线安装工具。 Windows 11 选择[开始]菜单 → [所有应用]→ [ScanSnap Manager] → [ScanSnap无线安装工具]。 Windows 10 选择[开始]菜单 → [ScanSnap Manager] → [ScanSnap无线安装工具]。 有关注册客户证书和CA证书的详情,请参阅ScanSnap无线安装工具帮助。
The Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1600 is still supported on the Ricoh/Fujitsu website. All modern versions of Windows OS and macOS are supported. Please use the Ricoh website to download the latest drivers. Below is direct links to some of the official drivers that are on their website. Basic Specs...
指南10 商标13 制造商14 本指南中所使用的符号15 本指南中的箭头符号16 本指南的屏幕显示示例17 本指南中使用的略语18 设置ScanSnap19 系统要求20 设置iX1600/iX1500/iX140022 iX1600/iX1500/iX1400的包装列表27 设置iX130028 iX1300的包装列表32 设置iX50033 设置iX10036 iX100的包装列表39 设置SV60040 SV...
富士通ix500扫描仪驱动,英文名称又叫做scansnap x500驱动,是专为富士通ix500扫描仪而开发的官方驱动程序,能够支持32位和64位的winxp/vista/win7/win8等系统,轻松解决扫描仪不能扫描和无法识别的问题,送给有需要的朋友免费下载体验。 富士通ix500概述 富士通ix500可帮助 PC 和 Mac 用户有效减少因家庭或办公场所文件管...
Save destinations and file names for common uses. Specifications Operating system Windows® 11 Windows® 10 macOS® 10.12 or later Supported ScanSnap Models iX1300 iX1400 iX1500 iX1600 iX500 S1300i iX100 S1100i SV600 Complete Software Specifications...
致ScanSnap iX1600/ScanSnap iX1500 使用者 除了產品開發商 (PFU Limited) 所撰寫的軟體外,ScanSnap 還包含其他免費軟體,如「GNU 通用公共許可證 (GPL)」或「GNU 較寬鬆通用公共許可證 (LGPL)」下版權所有的軟體。關於 Open Source Software (OSS) 授權條件的詳細資訊,請依序按下 ScanSnap 觸控面板主畫面頂端的...