Problem With Using fgets()/gets()/scanf() After scanf() in C scanf() 是 C 语言中的一个库函数。它从标准输入读取标准输入。 fgets() 是 C 语言中的一个库函数。它从指定的流中读取一行并将其存储到字符串变量指向的字符串中。它仅在以下任一情况下终止: 到达文件末尾 读取了 n-1 个字符 读取换...
Problem #1:使用scanfwith&sign如果我将scanf("%s", &to_find);与&一起使用 浏览0提问于2020-08-28得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 每次我在回答第一个问题后运行我的程序,==>奇怪的页面就会出现(就像一种新的奇怪的错误)。 distributed Quantities \n"); printf("==>"); FILE* cv; cv =fopen_sinformat...
Also your flush doesn't handle EOF. Try using fgets to read a line of input into a char array. Strip the newline if it's there (fgets puts it in the buffer), and check the string for valid input. I would either use a simple loop with isdigit and a digit counter, or strlen + ...
I have the same problem. I also tried fgets() with the same result. Does anybody know the reason for that? This is the code: Code:Select all #include<stdio.h>#include"freeRTOS/freeRTOS.h"#include"FreeRTOS/task.h"#include"driver/gpio.h"#include"sdkconfig.h"#include"driver/uart.h"#...
fgets() will reads the complete string with spaces and also add a new line character after the string input.Consider the program #include <stdio.h> int main() { int age; char name[30]; char temp; printf("Enter age: "); scanf("%d",&age); printf("Enter name: "); scanf("%c",...
scanf() is evil - use fgets() and then parse. The detail is not that scanf() is completely bad. 1) The format specifiers are often used in a weak manner char buf[100]; scanf("%s", buf); // bad - no width limit 2) The return value is errantly not checked scanf("%99[\...
Considering the issues highlighted by other responses withscanf, it's advisable to explore alternative approaches. In my experience,scanfisn't suitable for extensive input reading and processing. It's recommended to read complete lines usingfgetsand apply functions such asstrtokandstrtolto work on the...
The while loop is basically the whole program and Case 3 is for when the user wants to exit the program. The problem I'm having is that when user selects 1 (case 1) and then exits with EOF (if( ( x=getchar() ) == EOF)array_index = MAXLINES+1 It goes into and ...
(And to do that, it would have to have ten specifiers in the format string. You can try while((i<10) && (scanf("%d",a+i)==1)) i++; Accepting any number of arguments has to be programmed eg. as while (fgets(mybuf, ALLOCATED_LENGTH-1, stdin)) { char *p = mybuf; if (...
Use fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) to read a line and parse it yourself - in this case that just means that you need to allow for the trailinf '\n'. Lighter weight is to use read(0, buf, sizeof buf) - but that relies on the device drive code to generate lin...