在有了分别表现头和上半身躯干的香水瓶之后,Scandal的一双大长腿也终于填补了下半身的空缺,JPG家这是有强迫症吗?? - 从左上开始顺时针方向:Jean Paul Gaultier Classique、Le Male、Kokorico、Ma Dame、Fragile。Source: bijoux-romantiques-poetiques-baroques.com, thecandyperfumeboy.com, dresscodeemlyon.wordpre...
Jean Paul Gaultier Scandal-2017 Scandal A Paris由著名的调香师Daphné Bugey创作调制,这款西普果香调香水,散发出浓郁的花香,带有甜蜜和令人欲罢不能的蜂蜜,融入多汁梨的美味果香,而茉莉花则给人以明亮和灿烂的感觉。 Jean Paul Gaultier Scandal A Paris-2019 香调包括:梨子、茉莉、蜂蜜 Jean Paul Gaultier Sca...
Neiman Marcus US Neiman Marcus是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,已有100多年历史,也是海淘热门商家之一。尼曼的美妆护肤品类相对齐全,是和Saks齐名的海淘护肤美妆首选网站,他们两家基本上就是谁家有折扣谁家价格就更有优势。另外他们家也汇集了Burberry 、Celine 、Jean Paul Gaultier 、Juicy Couture 、YS...
On Monday, I hooked up with my perfume-adoring friend Catherine for a day of scent hunting in Tokyo. Having moved up to Yokohama from Osaka, where she lived with her husband for a long while, she was yet to visit any of the troves I occasionally frequent to plunder for old vintages an...