《IMLS-SLAM: scan-to-model matching based on 3D data》(ICRA2018)Motivation激光SLAM的两大挑战分别是处理的数据量和点云的稀疏性,本文基于RGB-D的地图隐性的曲面表示来提出一个新的点云采样和匹配策略从而缓解这两个问题 。 Contribution 每次激光扫描帧的点选择策略. 将模型图定义为点集平面. Content 点云去...
Outdoor mobile robot localization using Hausdorff distance-based matching between COAG features of elevation maps and laser range data Hausdorff distance-based matching methodMonte Carlo localizationMobile robot localization is the task of estimating the robot pose in a given environment. ... YH Ji,JB...
Documented herein is the theoretical reasoning behind solving a matching problem between two homoriented 2D scans, one derived from the robot's physical sensor and one derived by simulating its operation within the map, in a manner that does not require the establishing of correspondences between ...
Our method relies on a scan-to-model matching framework. We first have a specific sampling strategy based on the LiDAR scans. We then define our model as the previous localized LiDAR sweeps and use the Implicit Moving Least Squares (IMLS) surface representation. We show experiments with the ...
论文题目:IMLS-SLAM: scan-to-model matching based on 3D data IMSL-SLAM 和 IMSL-SLAM++是kitti数据集上仅次于LOAM的激光SLAM系统,虽然它有一个最大的缺点,就是不实时,而且时间确实非常慢(1.3s),但是作者也给出了这种不实时的原因,是可以改进的。更重要的是,论文里以IMLS曲面为基础进行的scan-to-model匹配...
IMLS-SLAM: scan-to-model matching based on 3D dataJean-Emmanuel Deschaud 11 MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, Centre for Robotics, 60 Bd St Michel 75006 Paris, FranceAbstract—The Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM) problem has been well studied in the robotics commu-nity, ...
1:已知上一时刻的地图m,也是未完成的submap。因为scan to map的过程,就是scan to current submap的过程。 2:submap是栅格地图,这是为了方便匹配。 3:机器人在任意时刻,都能看到map上的所有occupied points。但是,scan不一定能扫描到所有的点。 4:matching的过程,实际上就是把scan的所有扫描数据,映射到当前的subm...
Finally, we build a feature voxel map for further scan-to-model matching, during which the POU implicit surface representation is proposed to adapt to the voxel map. The key contributions of our work are as follows: (1) We propose a novel feature voxel map which stores voxels with salient...
Polar Scan Matching is one of the methods of point to point scan matching for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Application. It works in the original laser polar coordinate system and therefore eliminates the need for an expensive correspondence search as in other scan matching methods by using ...
Matching 2D range scans is a basic component of many localization and mapping algorithms. Most scan match algorithms require finding correspondences between the used features, i.e. points or lines. We propose an alternative representation for a range scan, the normal distributions transform. Similar ...