The actual problem was that I was trying to scan to a .tiff format, which evidently you can't do. Once I tried the .jpeg format, everything was fine. - 9220823
When scanning typically use TIFF format, but be careful as TIFF can be used for jpeg-compression...
On a stock (as of January 2024) install of (k)ubuntu 23.10, NAPS2 errors out and fails to save a scan in TIFF format, while reporting (incorrectly) that it has saved said TIFF file. There are two possibly distinct issues here, one is that it reports success with words, and the seco...
单色模式:适合需要极简化的扫描,通常用于文本或线条图。 3. 文件格式 (File Format) 选择合适的文件格式可以影响后期处理的灵活性。常见的文件格式包括: JPEG:适合一般用途,文件较小,但压缩会影响质量。 TIFF:无损格式,适合需要高质量保存的照片,但文件较大。 PNG:适合需要透明背景的图像,质量较高。 三、扫描过程...
It can scan documents to not only PDF, but also other file types, such as JPG, PNG, TIFF, Excel, and Word. It supports scanning to PDFs from different devices. And you can modify configurations such as DPI, page size, and resolution....
五、扫描设置 (Scanning Settings) 1. 选择文件格式 (ChoosingFileFormat) 在扫描之前,用户需要选择文件的保存格式。常见的格式有: PDF:适合文档,便于分享和存储。 JPEG:适合照片,压缩后文件较小。 TIFF:适合需要高质量图像的用户,文件较大。 2. 设置分辨率 (Setting Resolution) ...
Use the HP LaserJet Scan software to scan the document into a folder in .TIFF format (or any other file type that the software supports). Import the .TIFF file into the program. For more information about TWAIN, visit the following Web site: ...
Low cost to buy, economic to run. Upgradeable models: m (monochrome), c (color) and e (express color) – buy what you need when you need it and upgrade by email. Simple to use SmartWorks Touch software included with the scanner lets you scan to PDF, TIFF or JPG formats and make co...
Formatallows you to specify the format of the file in which the scanned image will be saved: TIFF, JPEG or (with the T2300 PS only) PDF. Qualityallows you to specify the scan resolution: Standard (200 dpi), High (300 dpi), or Max (600 dpi). ...
Select the data format in which to save the scanned images. You can selectJPEG / Exif,TIFF,PNG,PDF, orPDF (Multiple Pages). You cannot selectPDForPDF (Multiple Pages)in the following cases. When scanned by clickingPhotoorOCRin theScan Utilitymain screen ...