Nmap Video Tutorial 2: Port Scan Boogaloo This video covers some intermediate and advanced Nmap options and is a follow-up to my "Basic Nmap Usage" presentation. If the embedded video below does not show RIGHT click here to save the file to your hard drive. ...
Ryan Cobb Derbycon 2017 As use of "fileless" malware using PowerShell to stay in memory and evade traditional AV file scanning techniques has increased, Microsoft introduced the AMSI protocol in Windows 10 to allow AV vendors to scan script...
The next step for SolidWorks newbies iskeyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts allow you to access a feature or tool in just a couple of keys. By using them, you can increase yourproductivityand cut your work processin half. Instead of using a series of icons, you can simply press a few ke...
Consequently, the number of pixels in I is 𝑛=𝑋·𝑌n=X·Y. With no loss of generality, I is considered to be greyscale with b bit-planes, yielding 2𝑏2b shades of grey. The goal of region image segmentation is to divide I into a set of segments 𝒮={𝑆𝑖},1≤𝑖≤...