Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: scanning [ˈskænɪŋ] A.N(Med) →visualizaciónfradiográfica B.CPDscanning deviceN→detectorm ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. scan verb 1. glance over, skim, look over, eye, check, clock (Brit. slang), examine, check out (informal), run over, eyeball (slang), size up (informal), get a load of (informal), ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. scan verb 1. glance over, skim, look over, eye, check, clock (Brit. slang), examine, check out (informal), run over, eyeball (slang), size up (informal), get a load of (informal), ...
Really makes me wish the MSX line came to America. Oh well, not much we can do about that nowadays, right? Alexander Says: October 9th, 2012 at 2:06 am I have a Sanyo MBC-555 that Ive had no luck getting to boot off of its floppy’s. The guts are designed really strangely ...
Sugar, Dali, Irokui, Billy, RENTRER EN SOI, CELLT, Bergerac, Saga, VelBet, Irodori, AILE, Danger Gang, Lost Name, SIX-R, SMILE, RENTRER EN SOI, KISAKI x Ryouhei (Megamasso), DOLLY, GHOST, SUGAR, Watashime Slug, The Piass, Homura, CindyKate, ASS'n'ARRow, HIZAKI, Dollis Marry, ...
I also read a lot while held captive in the air. I have a bad habit of pinning articles to “read later,” and I had a lot to choose from. I also worked on a few books using the Amazon Kindle. TheArt of Invisibility by Kevin Mitnickkept me entertained for a few hours before I ...
Now being a Mac user, looking back GEM was a lot more ‘Mac-like’ than Windows, so it pleases me to imagine that if CP/M had taken off, we might have ended up with some pretty advanced computing environments, like OS X or Linux/Xwindows 10 years ahead of time, without all that ...
I always thought it was interesting that there was so much debate among me and my friends about which of the 8-bit systems had “better graphics” and could display more colors, when the Atari 2600 could actually display more colors than either the SMS or the NES… an ability which Activi...
Oh how times change. Back in January, Iposted a scanof an early, cocky Nintendo Virtual Boy advertisement from 1995 (the year the Virtual Boy launched). Here’s an ad for the Virtual Boy just one year later in which Nintendo advertises the console’s new low price of $99 (its ori...
Hm, my father bought me Atari XE, not exactly for Christmas, but before it, so it may be considered as a Christmas gift. And one year later I bought myself disk drive for my Atari. It was Polish SN-360, very rare model even in Poland. And still, after 18 years, it works...