in_tensor_namestr, optional The name of the input tensor. Default value is "" (empty string). out_tensor_namestr, optional The name of the output tensor. Default value is "" (empty string). scale_minfloat, optional Output will be clipped to this minimum value. Default value is 0.0. ...
FLOAT: value = config.getfloat(section, option) if config.get(section, option) else 0.0 else: value = config.get(section, option) except ValueError, ex: errMsg = "error occurred while processing the option " errMsg += "'%s' in provided configuration file ('%s')" % (option, getUnicode...
constEigen::Vector3fdelta=hit_in_local.position-origin_in_local;constfloatrange=delta.norm();// ...
Test name: test_pre_dispatch_export_scan_simple_cuda_float32 (__main__.TestHOPCUDA) Platforms for which to skip the test: linux, slow Disabled by pytorch-bot[bot] Within ~15 minutes, test_pre_dispatch_export_scan_simple_cuda_float32 (__main__.TestHOPCUDA) will be disabled in PyTorch...
vmean = T.nnet.sigmoid(, W.T) +bvis)return trng.binomial(size=vsample.shape,n=1, p=vmean, dtype=theano.config.floatX) sample = theano.tensor.vector() values, updates = theano.scan(OneStep,outputs_info=sample, n_steps=10) ...
有以下程序 #inelude main() float x,y; scan("%f",&x); if(x<0.0)y=0.0; else if((x<5.0)&&(x!=2.0)) y=1.0/(x+2.0); else if(x<10.0)y=1.0/x; else y=10.0; printf("%f\n",y); 若运行时从键盘上输入2.0(表示回车),则上面程序的输出结果是 ( )...
h Float 131 The height of the face area. Unit: pixel. faces JSONArray [{"name":"Hit name","rate":91.54,"id":"AliFace_0123***"}] The information about the recognized faces. Each element in the array contains the following parameters: name: the name of the person with the recognize...
vect-1.c:13: note: vectorized 4 loops in function. Basic block vectorization, aka SLP, is enabled by the flag-ftree-slp-vectorize, and requires the same platform dependent flags as loop vectorization. Basic block SLP is enabled by default at-O3and when-ftree-vectorizeis enabled. ...
GITGUARDIAN_TIMEOUT: If set to a float,ggshield secret scan pre-receivewill timeout after the specified value. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. GITGUARDIAN_MAX_COMMITS_FOR_HOOK: If set to an int,ggshield secret scan pre-receiveandggshield secret scan pre-pushwill not scan more than the...
Buffer Format: DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORMBuffer Size: 1920 x 1080, Maximum Possible Display ResolutionSync Interval: SYNC_0_WITH_TEARING, SYNC_0, SYNC_1Windowed Mode: Fullscreen, WindowedTroubleshooting