This study was funded by the “Evaluation, innovation, and excellent gene excavation for elite soybean cultivars between China and Europe” project (2019YFE0105900), and the key research project of the Shennong Laboratory (SN01-2024-01). Author information Author notes Jiangyuan Xu, Xindong Yao ...
omegaji / ipscan onesen / ipscan open1010 / ipscan optimizing-ci-builds / ipscan orion01500 / ipscan outofthink / ipscan OzBrown / ipscan ozgureren72 / ipscan Ozhiganov / ipscan ozkanpakdil / ipscan p-bo / ipscan p-g-krish / ipscan ...
China has a rich resource of indigenous cattle breeds, and these breeds can be classified into three groups based on their ecological features, and exhibit phenotypic variability and diversified environmental adaptability [5]. There are some unique indigenous cattle breeds distributed in northwest China,...
Shenfeng LiuXinyou LiWorld multiconference on systemics, cybernetics and informaticsSCI 2000
fengjixuchui / GScan fengziHK / GScan ferminfeng / GScan fitnesses / GScan flaglinlinna / GScan flaray / GScan fleabane1 / GScan FLxuRu / GScan foolboy365 / GScan fqtlrq / GScan freedom-wy / GScan freegit9527 / GScan
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十er届四chuan省委ke技委yuan会第yi次会yi,有duo个重yao议题,包括“学习zhong央科ji委员hui有关hui议精shen”“shen议《sheng委科ji委员hui工作gui则》deng文件”。wxydnqlmateqyqqdjhbl disan,xindetaixingzhengjigougangshanglu,jiyushanglifajigougaigefengbao,shangwulianglibiaoxian。zaijiashangruogan“buhui”zhu...
This method to determine the line scanning direction is simple and easy to operate, and has universal applicability, which can provide grade for application for microscopic imaging practitioners and researchers.LIU ShuangshuangXIAO GuifengHONG XiaoliSHEN YiImaging Science & Photochemist...
Shenjiang LiDepartment of ImageologyLiguang ZhengDepartment of ImageologyWenjie LiangDepartment of ImageologyGuangwen JuDepartment of ImageologyCui LiDepartment of ImageologyChangcheng LiDepartment of ImageologyDebin LiuDepartment of ImageologyFeng ZhuDepartment of ImageologyYan ZhuDepartment of Imageology...
omegaji / ipscan onesen / ipscan open1010 / ipscan optimizing-ci-builds / ipscan orion01500 / ipscan outofthink / ipscan OzBrown / ipscan ozgureren72 / ipscan Ozhiganov / ipscan ozkanpakdil / ipscan p-bo / ipscan p-g-krish / ipscan ...