The rangeMaxPPEM value of the last record is never adjusted for different instances; the number of value records in the MVAR table that are associated with 'gasp' entries must never be more than numRanges minus one.For general information on OpenType Font Variations, see the chapter, OpenType...
maxp MERG meta MVAR name OS/2 PCLT post prep sbix STAT SVG VDMX vhea vmtx VORG VVAR OpenType Layout Tag Registry Design-variation axis tag registry Errata Appendices Archived versions Script development specs ClearType Legacy font technologies ...
Datasheet: ScanTrac Crescendo HiLo Dual Beam Side View X-Ray Inspection SystemPeco InspX
Each capture clock can be also disabled or chosen to facilitate fault diagnosis. In addition, when two clock domains do not interact with each other, they can be tested simultaneously to shorten the capture cycle time. [0027]Each capture clock of the present invention further comprises one or ...
Seal-Scan® Technology Featured In New ASTM Test Method F3004-13PTI Packaging
Datasheet: Seal-Scan/Seal-Sensor Performance SpecificationsSeal-Scan® is PTI's award winning, patented seal integrity inspection technology used to detect and analyze invisible seal defects in pouches and flexible packaging. Seal-Scan® utilizes non-contact airborne ultrasound technology which is ...
Datasheet: ScanTrac DUO High Speed Glass X-Ray Inspection SystemPeco InspX