HmsScan:class result.Constant SummaryTypeNameDescintOTHER_SCAN_TY……
class表示扫码结果信息Constant SummaryTypeNameDescintOTHER_SCAN_TYPE无法识别扫描……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
国际分类:10类-医疗器械 服务项: 1002牙科设备; 1003诊断和治疗期同位素设备和器械; 1004助听器; 1005奶瓶; 1006避孕套; 1007外科用移植物(人造材料); 1008矫形用物品; 1009缝合材料; ...展开 基本信息 商标名称LUMI SCAN 申请号9229292国际分类10类-医疗器械商标分类表 ...
The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.
已申请商品/服务: 1002 牙科医生用扶手椅;牙科设备和仪器;医用或牙科用扶手椅;电动牙科设备;畸齿矫正仪器;牙医用外科设备和器械;牙科用口腔内照相机 1003 医用放射屏幕;医用X光照片 1004 卫生口罩 有效群组: 1002;1003;1004 无效群组: - 未选群组: 1001;1005;1006;1007;1008;1009关于...
2. flush the connection 3. try to connect to the AP with right passoword. There is the success case if we use disconnect command before flush(2.reconnect_ok.txt) Could you please let me know the reason? What is the recommand command set for this case?
兄弟打印机加墨粉方法,适用兄弟MFC7360硒鼓dcp7057粉盒7060d hl2240 7470d打印机墨盒TN2225 2215 fax2890 7860 127 0 00:26 App 京瓷打印机加墨粉方法,适用京瓷1020粉盒TK1113碳粉FS 1120 M1520h 1040 1060打印机墨粉盒1128 1003 1123 1125 1 534 0 00:28 App 惠普打印机硒鼓加粉加墨方法,适用惠普CF230...
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The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.