Whenever you’re doing something involving money, be careful, research into the company and don’t exchange money or personal information with anyone or any company that you don’t trust. What to do if you think you’ve been scammed If you suspect a fraudulent lender has tricked you, take...
In New Mexico, the city of Clovis lost $3.5 million in a prime bank scheme.Victims of a $600 million prime bank fraud involving securities purportedly issued by Banka Bohemia A.S., a bank located in Prague, Czech Republic, included charitable organizations, municipalities, and other ...
what the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, International Chamber of Commerce and the Federal Reserve are, or understand that there is no connection between them and the plethora of Prime Bank investment frauds that claim to have their endorsement, association and approval; and ...
Venmo and the Cash App. The service allows a bank customer to instantaneously send money to a person via their email or phone number, and it will go from one bank account to another. More than 1,700 banks and credit unions offer the service. But the service has...