scam- deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change" bunco,con,defraud,diddle,goldbrick,hornswoggle,mulct,nobble,rook,swindle,short-change,victimize ...
If you are a client of ours, we are going to notify you about your upcoming renewals, so please do not pay anything you get in the mail that claims you owe money on your trademark. These are all scams. Unfortunately, the USPTO has not done enough to stem this issue. The agency allow...
Doctor Finds Scams in Her MailboxAs a practicing pediatrician, Helen Podgainy gets a lot of emailand snail mail at her Coraopolis...Walsh, Lawrence
Subscribe: E-mail, RSS or both! Enter your Email Powered by FeedBlitz RSS Affiliate Books The TruthAbout Paying Fewer Taxes Are you a tax geek? Got tax geek friends? Do you or they just want to make sure you don't overpay the IRS? Then my book, "The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxe...
And one more package lost in the mail Because, sure, I'll get right onto tapping that non-suspicious link. Hope you were able to get a little laugh while also gaining some valuable knowledge. Unfortunately, too many out there fall for these. ...
The online web is full of "offers" from African cities and other countries; just make sure your e-mail Inbox is clean and secure. Ghana is a hot-bed for dating scams and huge money scams involving gold and diamonds. What we have initiated through our investigations is that in the U.S...
Will they take care of your products and services in the same way that y Lottery Scam: LOTTOMATICA (fake) Lottery Scam Lottery Scam: LOTTOMATICA (fake) Lottery Scam: UK Victory Lottery Lottery Scam The scammer is probably trying his luck with a short scam mail. Look at all the CAPS, ...
in the mail and are asked to ship them out of the country. Packages may be addressed to someone else's name (the stolen credit card victim). Your "employer" provides you with a shipping label (also paid for with a stolen credit card). Your "employer" asks you for personal ...
I let our team know immediately that this is floating around again. Later that day, another e-mail showed up stating that several employees and even a few family members received a similar e-mail from similar phone number numbers. No matter the size of your workplace, if you ever get a...
But if you receive one in the mail or are given a check from a suspicious source, you need to be cautious. In this guide, we’ll explain how fake check scams work, what happens when you deposit one, and how to avoid the most common scams. {{show-toc}} What Are Fake Check ...